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Is there a tracking number provided with my order?
Yes, each order comes with a tracking number, allowing you to monitor its status during transit.
Do you offer free shipping, and if so, what are the conditions?
Yes, we provide free shipping for all orders within the United States.
What measures are taken for discreet shipping, and is it an option for all orders?
Your privacy is paramount. All orders are shipped discreetly, without branding, and require a signature upon delivery. Additionally, every shipment is insured for added protection.
What happens if my package is lost or stolen during transit?
We take extreme measures to ensure your package's safe and secure delivery. All packages require a signature and are never left unattended. In the rare event of loss or theft, we have comprehensive insurance to cover such instances, ensuring you receive a replacement or refund promptly.
Where do you ship?
Currently, we ship to 50+ countries worldwide. There are a handful of countries we don't ship to, either due to restrictions from our shipping providers or customs regulations at the shipping destination. To see if your country qualifies, start a consultation and ask us!Note that all pricing is displayed in US dollars, and additional shipping charges may apply. Shipping within the United States is free.We ship fully insured via UPS or FedEx and a signature is required at delivery. We will provide you with emailed confirmation and a tracking number once your item has been shipped.
How long is my project going to take?
Typically, your custom piece will be in your hands 2-4 weeks after we've finalized your design.Design: As long as it takes for you to tell us it's perfect. Some customers only need to exchange a few messages with us - we'll often be ready to make their piece within a few days. Others may prefer to design and iterate with us over many weeks, or even months.Production: Approximately 2-4 weeksOnce you've approved a design, we'll manufacture your piece, finishing all the details by hand. When it's ready, we'll send you photographs of your finished piece so you can give us your seal of approval before we ship it to you.Shipping: 1-3 days (domestic), Approximately 1 week (international) We offer free shipping within the US via FedEx or USPS, and we ship international packages via DHL Worldwide Express, one of the fastest services available. Depending on location, international shipments can sometimes be delayed by local customs for inspection, which can extend the delivery time.