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Influencer program
Influencer program

Our influencer program is tailored for qualified influencers, typically those with over 50k engaged followers in fashion, music, lifestyle, and a primarily U.S.-based audience, aged 21 and above. To get started, please email us your real name, phone number, and your social media links to:

Once verified, we'll provide you with a unique referral code to share with your followers, granting them a 10% discount on their purchases while you earn $50 for every sale.

Additionally, you can explore our design program where you can create your own line of jewelry. We'll handle manufacturing, packaging, and more, and you'll receive an impressive 20% of the sale price on any item sold from your line.

We're also open to discussing collaboration fees for special projects.

Lastly as a thank you, we'll extend a 20% discount for personal orders and you'll receive a complimentary custom pendant valued at $500.

*** We offer guaranteed annual minimum payouts.

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